Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Tutorial Pembuatan Program Puzzle

Pernahkah anda ingin membuat suatu game puzzle namun dengan cara yang sederhana? Berikut adalah cara pembuatan game puzzle yang sangat sederhana dengan Visual Basic 2010

Pertama buka Visual Basic 2010, lalu pada form1 buat interface (tampilan) sebagai berikut :

Gambar itu merupakan dari potongan gambar yang dimasukkan ke dalam picturebox1 sampai picturebox9. Untuk gambarnya kamu bisa ganti sesuai keinginan.

Jika sudah lalu masukkan listing berikut :

Public Class Form1
    Dim gambar As Image
    Dim angka As Integer
    Dim startTime As DateTime
    Dim ttlMins As Integer
    Dim timeLeft As TimeSpan
    Sub ukuran()
        PictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox2.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox3.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox4.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox5.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox6.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox7.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox8.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
        PictureBox9.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    End Sub
Keterangan : Listing Code ini digunakan untuk menyesuaikan tampilan dari tiap picture box.

    Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
        If PictureBox2.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox1.Image
            angka = PictureBox1.Tag
            PictureBox1.Image = PictureBox2.Image
            PictureBox1.Tag = PictureBox2.Tag
            PictureBox2.Image = gambar
            PictureBox2.Tag = angka
        ElseIf PictureBox4.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox1.Image
            angka = PictureBox1.Tag
            PictureBox1.Image = PictureBox4.Image
            PictureBox1.Tag = PictureBox4.Tag
            PictureBox4.Image = gambar
            PictureBox4.Tag = angka
        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox8.Click
        If PictureBox7.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox8.Image
            angka = PictureBox8.Tag
            PictureBox8.Image = PictureBox7.Image
            PictureBox8.Tag = PictureBox7.Tag
            PictureBox7.Image = gambar
            PictureBox7.Tag = angka
        ElseIf PictureBox5.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox8.Image
            angka = PictureBox8.Tag
            PictureBox8.Image = PictureBox5.Image
            PictureBox8.Tag = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = gambar
            PictureBox5.Tag = angka
        ElseIf PictureBox9.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox8.Image
            angka = PictureBox8.Tag
            PictureBox8.Image = PictureBox9.Image
            PictureBox8.Tag = PictureBox9.Tag
            PictureBox9.Image = gambar
            PictureBox9.Tag = angka
        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox2.Click
        If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox2.Image
            angka = PictureBox2.Tag
            PictureBox2.Image = PictureBox1.Image
            PictureBox2.Tag = PictureBox1.Tag
            PictureBox1.Image = gambar
            PictureBox1.Tag = angka
        ElseIf PictureBox3.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox2.Image
            angka = PictureBox2.Tag
            PictureBox2.Image = PictureBox3.Image
            PictureBox2.Tag = PictureBox3.Tag
            PictureBox3.Image = gambar
            PictureBox3.Tag = angka
        ElseIf PictureBox5.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox5.Image
            angka = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = PictureBox2.Image
            PictureBox5.Tag = PictureBox2.Tag
            PictureBox2.Image = gambar
            PictureBox2.Tag = angka
        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox3.Click
        If picturebox2.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox3.Image
            angka = PictureBox3.Tag
            PictureBox3.Image = PictureBox2.Image
            PictureBox3.Tag = PictureBox2.Tag
            PictureBox2.Image = gambar
            PictureBox2.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox6.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox3.Image
            angka = PictureBox3.Tag
            PictureBox3.Image = PictureBox6.Image
            PictureBox3.Tag = PictureBox6.Tag
            PictureBox6.Image = gambar
            PictureBox6.Tag = angka
            Call ukuran()
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox4.Click
        If picturebox1.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox4.Image
            angka = PictureBox4.Tag
            PictureBox4.Image = PictureBox1.Image
            PictureBox4.Tag = PictureBox1.Tag
            PictureBox1.Image = gambar
            PictureBox1.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox5.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox4.Image
            angka = PictureBox4.Tag
            PictureBox4.Image = PictureBox5.Image
            PictureBox4.Tag = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = gambar
            PictureBox5.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox7.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox4.Image
            angka = PictureBox4.Tag
            PictureBox4.Image = PictureBox7.Image
            PictureBox4.Tag = PictureBox7.Tag
            PictureBox7.Image = gambar
            PictureBox7.Tag = angka
        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox5.Click
        If picturebox2.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox5.Image
            angka = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = PictureBox2.Image
            PictureBox5.Tag = PictureBox2.Tag
            PictureBox2.Image = gambar
            PictureBox2.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox4.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox5.Image
            angka = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = PictureBox4.Image
            PictureBox5.Tag = PictureBox4.Tag
            PictureBox4.Image = gambar
            PictureBox4.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox6.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox5.Image
            angka = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = PictureBox6.Image
            PictureBox5.Tag = PictureBox6.Tag
            PictureBox6.Image = gambar
            PictureBox6.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox8.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox5.Image
            angka = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = PictureBox8.Image
            PictureBox5.Tag = PictureBox8.Tag
            PictureBox8.Image = gambar
            PictureBox8.Tag = angka

        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox6.Click
        If picturebox3.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox6.Image
            angka = PictureBox6.Tag
            PictureBox6.Image = PictureBox3.Image
            PictureBox6.Tag = PictureBox3.Tag
            PictureBox3.Image = gambar
            PictureBox3.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox5.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox6.Image
            angka = PictureBox6.Tag
            PictureBox6.Image = PictureBox5.Image
            PictureBox6.Tag = PictureBox5.Tag
            PictureBox5.Image = gambar
            PictureBox5.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox9.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox6.Image
            angka = PictureBox6.Tag
            PictureBox6.Image = PictureBox9.Image
            PictureBox6.Tag = PictureBox9.Tag
            PictureBox9.Image = gambar
            PictureBox9.Tag = angka
        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox7.Click
        If picturebox4.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox7.Image
            angka = PictureBox7.Tag
            PictureBox7.Image = PictureBox4.Image
            PictureBox7.Tag = PictureBox4.Tag
            PictureBox4.Image = gambar
            PictureBox4.Tag = angka
        ElseIf picturebox8.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox7.Image
            angka = PictureBox7.Tag
            PictureBox7.Image = PictureBox8.Image
            PictureBox7.Tag = PictureBox8.Tag
            PictureBox8.Image = gambar
            PictureBox8.Tag = angka
        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox9.Click
        If PictureBox6.image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox9.Image
            angka = PictureBox9.Tag
            PictureBox9.Image = PictureBox6.Image
            PictureBox9.Tag = PictureBox6.Tag
            PictureBox6.Image = gambar
            PictureBox6.Tag = angka
        ElseIf PictureBox8.Image Is Nothing Then
            gambar = PictureBox9.Image
            angka = PictureBox9.Tag
            PictureBox9.Image = PictureBox8.Image
            PictureBox9.Tag = PictureBox8.Tag
            PictureBox8.Image = gambar
            PictureBox8.Tag = angka

        End If
        Call ukuran()
    End Sub
Keterangan : Listing code ini digunakan untuk menukar gambar dan “angka” dari picturebox yang berdakatan dengan picturebox yang kosong.
Contohnya pada picturebox9 diatas, dia berdekatan dengan picturebox 6 dan 8. Saat kita menekan picturebox 9 jika picturebox 6 kosong dia akan bertukar peran dengan picturebox 6. Awalnya gambar di picturebox9 akan dipindah ke variabel “gambar” sehingga gambar pada picturebox 9 menjadi kosong dan tag (penanda angka) pada picturebox 9 akan dipindah ke variabel “angka” sehingga pada picturebox 9 menjadi kosong. Lalu gambar dan tag pada picturebox 6 akan dimasukkan ke picturebox 9 dan picturebox 6 akan diisi gambar dari variabel “gambar” dan tag dari variabel “angka”. Hal ini juga berjalan sama untuk penukaran picturebox yang lain.

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        gambar = PictureBox9.Image
        angka = PictureBox9.Tag
        PictureBox9.Image = PictureBox4.Image
        PictureBox9.Tag = PictureBox4.Tag
        PictureBox4.Image = gambar
        PictureBox4.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox9.Image
        angka = PictureBox9.Tag
        PictureBox9.Image = PictureBox3.Image
        PictureBox9.Tag = PictureBox3.Tag
        PictureBox3.Image = gambar
        PictureBox3.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox2.Image
        angka = PictureBox2.Tag
        PictureBox2.Image = PictureBox7.Image
        PictureBox2.Tag = PictureBox7.Tag
        PictureBox7.Image = gambar
        PictureBox7.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox2.Image
        angka = PictureBox2.Tag
        PictureBox2.Image = PictureBox6.Image
        PictureBox2.Tag = PictureBox6.Tag
        PictureBox6.Image = gambar
        PictureBox6.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox3.Image
        angka = PictureBox3.Tag
        PictureBox3.Image = PictureBox8.Image
        PictureBox3.Tag = PictureBox8.Tag
        PictureBox8.Image = gambar
        PictureBox8.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox3.Image
        angka = PictureBox3.Tag
        PictureBox3.Image = PictureBox1.Image
        PictureBox3.Tag = PictureBox1.Tag
        PictureBox1.Image = gambar
        PictureBox1.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox5.Image
        angka = PictureBox5.Tag
        PictureBox5.Image = PictureBox8.Image
        PictureBox5.Tag = PictureBox8.Tag
        PictureBox8.Image = gambar
        PictureBox8.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox5.Image
        angka = PictureBox5.Tag
        PictureBox5.Image = PictureBox7.Image
        PictureBox5.Tag = PictureBox7.Tag
        PictureBox7.Image = gambar
        PictureBox7.Tag = angka

        gambar = PictureBox6.Image
        angka = PictureBox6.Tag
        PictureBox6.Image = PictureBox1.Image
        PictureBox6.Tag = PictureBox1.Tag
        PictureBox1.Image = gambar
        PictureBox1.Tag = angka
    End Sub
Keterangan : Listing code diatas digunakan untuk mengacak gambar. Saat timer ini enabled (aktif) maka tiap detik akan terjadi pertukaran gambar dan tag (penanda angka) pada tiap picturebox ke picturebox lain yang saling berdekatan. Cara yang digunakan juga sama dengan cara penukaran gambar saat pengguna menyusun gambar.

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        Timer1.Enabled = True
    End Sub
Keterangan : Listing ini merupakan listing code yang akan berjalan apabila pengguna menekan tombol “Acak”. Ini digunakan untuk mengaktifkan timer1 yang bertujuan mengacak gambar.

    Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        Timer1.Enabled = False
        Call waktu()
        Label2.Visible = True
        Button3.Enabled = False
    End Sub
Listing ini merupakan listing code yang akan berjalan apabila pengguna menekan tombol “Stop”. Ini akan menghentikan timer1 dan menampilkan waktu pada label2.

    Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If PictureBox1.Tag = 1 And PictureBox2.Tag = 2 And PictureBox3.Tag = 3 And PictureBox4.Tag = 4 And PictureBox5.Tag = 5 And PictureBox6.Tag = 6 And PictureBox7.Tag = 7 And PictureBox8.Tag = 8 Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Berhasil")
        Else : MsgBox("Maaf Anda Belum Berhasil")
        End If
    End Sub
Listing ini merupakan listing code yang akan berjalan apabila pengguna menekan tombol “Cek Gambar”. Ini akan mengecek apakah gambar sudah benar. Apabila benar maka akan ditampilkan messagebox (“Selamat Anda Berhasil”) dan sebaliknnya messagebox(“Maaf Anda Belum Berhasil”).
Gambar diangggap sudah benar jika tag pada picturebox 1 sama dengan 1, 2 sama dengan 2 dan seterusnya sampai 9 sama dengan 9. Jika sudah benar maka akan ditampilkan msgbox(“Selamat Anda Berhasil”) namun apabila belum benar akan ditampilkan msgbox(“Maaf Anda Belum Berhasil”).

 Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
        timeLeft = startTime.Subtract(Now)
        If Not timeLeft.Milliseconds < 0 Then
            Label2.Text = Format(timeLeft.Minutes, "#0") & " Mins" & "  " & Format(timeLeft.Seconds, "00") & " Secs"
            Timer2.Enabled = False
            If MsgBox("Coba Lagi?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Game Over!") = vbYes             Then Call waktu()
                Timer1.Enabled = True
                Button3.Enabled = True
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
Keterangan : Listing ini digunakan untuk mengecek waktu, apabila waktu telah habis akan ditampilkan messagebox(“Coba lagi?”) dengan pilihan jawaban. Apabila memilih “yes” maka akan mengulang kembali permainan, apabila “no” akan keluar dari permainan

    Sub waktu()
        Timer2.Interval = 1000
        Timer2.Enabled = True
        ttlMins = Integer.Parse(Label4.Text)
        startTime = Now.AddMinutes(ttlMins)
        timeLeft = startTime.Subtract(Now)
        Label2.Text = Format(timeLeft.Minutes, "#0") & " Mins" & "  " & Format(timeLeft.Seconds, "00") & " Secs"
    End Sub
Keterangan : Listing ini digunakan untuk menampilkan waktu.
End Class

Untuk flowchartnya adalah sebagai berikut :

Nah, mudah bukan? Selamat mencoba ^^

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